Reformed Evangelical Seminary provides online delivery of all its classes and face-to-face local pastoral mentoring and ministerial training in our M.Div. program. Courses are taught online by a church-wide network of qualified pastor-teachers who have significant pastoral experience and advanced theological credentials. Students meet online for their classes and regular student-teacher interactions. They meet face-to-face regularly with their local mentors and other nearby students. The Seminary also hosts several events and a conference during the year to encourage face-to-face fellowship and personal engagement between students, their instructors, mentors, and their wider Seminary and church communities.

Our online courses and programs provide opportunity for many students who could never move or afford the residential experience to receive quality pastoral training right where they live, worship, and work. Our online approach makes seminary education affordable and accessible to all students who could never leave their responsibilities and commitments at their homes, workplaces, churches, or current ministries without considerable personal sacrifices—and debt. Plus, online learning today, with its crystal-clear video communications and access to amazing learning resources, can be shared more easily and cost-effectively to students and churches anywhere in the world.

Join us and experience a level of biblical and theology study few could have imagined a few years ago.